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Vectorworks Schriftzug

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Do you already have a license code?

You will need a license code for all versions of ElementsCAD This can be purchased in our shop . Demo licenses are of course free of charge:
ElementsCAD 202X | Demo & Full Version

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Which version do I need?

The first two characters of your Vectorworks serial number define your version number.
Vectorworks number (example): EHXUSZ-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX
The first letter (here: “E”) stands for the series. When downloading, pay attention to the correct series!
The second letter (here: “H”) represents the year of your Vectorworks license: H: 2022 – G: 2021 – F: 2020 – E: 2019 – D: 2018 C: 2017 – B: 2016 – A: 2015 – 9: 2014 – 8: 2013

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Which version do I need?

The first two characters of your Vectorworks serial number define your version number.
Vectorworks number (example): EHXUSZ-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX
The second letter (here: “H”) represents the year of your Vectorworks license: H: 2022 – G: 2021 – F: 2020 – E: 2019 – D: 2018 C: 2017 – B: 2016 – A: 2015 – 9: 2014 – 8: 2013

Find the corresponding cell from the table in on the download page

You can install Vectorworks as a demo version without a serial number.

For free 30-day serial numbers, please use the link given on the download page for the demo version.

You will be redirected to a form at Computerworks. Please fill out this form.


A 30-day serial number will now be sent to the email address provided.

Note: If you click on a different focus, your address may be forwarded to a (third-party) sales partner, who will usually contact you by phone at first. Normally, you will not receive a direct 30-day serial number.